Jane Russel & Gloria Lane

Pauline Frederick

Lee Remick & Gloria Lane

Former Empress Farah Pahavi of Iran, Gloria, Madame Jehan Sadat, former First Lady of Egypt.

Golda Meir's Family


GL & Beatrice Wood

John Thornton, Sally Bullard Thronton, Betty Ford with Gloria Lane

Dr Ruth Weishiamer & Anne Bashkiroff

Bre & GL

F. Lee Bailey & Grace Mitchell

Francoise Gilot & Gloria Lane

Gen Eva Burrows & National Salvation Army

Anne Jeffreys & Friend
First Lady of the American Theater, Helen Hayes and Academy Award winning actress Patricia Neal

Azeib Grebwohl & Gloria Lane & Amina

Ann Miller & Phillip Foudation Founder

Top Military Figures & Gloria Lane

Rector Family (L), Gloria Lane, Kimberly King, Marianne McDonald, John Thornton, Sally Bullard Thornton

Friend, Gloria Lane, Margaret O'Brian, Patti Page

Sally Bullard Thornton & Cathie Keting

Wilma Vaught & Marcelite Harris & Sheila E. Widnall with Gloria Lane

Jane Wyatt & Gloria Lane

Amina & Azeib Grebwohl

Gloria Lane & Betty Ford

Frida Harden & BGEN Lillian Dunlap

Gloria Lane & Dianne Feinstein

GL & Anne Armstrong Daley

Elfi von Dassanowsky

Cynthia Hammond & Benny Holmann

Sally B. Thornton, Ann Miller, Margaret O'Brian
& Marianne McDonald

Madame Jehan Sadat, former First Lady of Egypt & Gloria Lane at President Mansion

Gloria Lane & Eve Labouisse

Sarah Meir & Simone Veil

Gloria Lane, pottery artist Martha Longenecker, legendary scientist-physician Dr. Jonas Salk and internationally respected philanthropist, Barbara Piasecka Johnson.