Lily Fern WeatherfordGospel Singer
The Weatherfords were organized in 1944 by Earl Weatherford. In 1945 Earl and Lily Fern were married, Lily immediately joined the group has been a mainstay for the past 52 years. Under the guidance of Earl and Lily Fern, the Weatherfords became leaders in radio, TV, recordings and church ministry. By the mid-50's, they had established themselves as one of the premier gospel groups as far as precision recording artists were concerned, with the smooth voice of Lily Fern always being the focal point of the quartet's velvety sound. The Weatherfords were best known, perhaps, for their years as church quartet for the famous Cathedral of Tomorrow with Pastor Rex Humbard during the 50's and 60's. For the past 30 years, they have been found almost every night singing in some of our larger churches across the United States and Canada. Since Earl's death in 1991, Lily Fern has carried on the respected Weatherford tradition with her gifted son, Steve, who has been the group's lead singer for more than 20 years. Awards presented to Lily Weatherford include 'Female Entertainer of the Year' for 1993 and 1994. The current group was presented 'Favorite Mixed Group' in 1993. All awards were presented by the Great Plains Gospel Music Association. Steve Weatherford introduces Lily Fern each night as Gospel Music's Lady of Class and Dignity. And that she is. The Weatherford name and the name Lily Fern Weatherford remain one of gospel music's institutions; Lily's smooth and distinctive voice, her class, her trademark songs and, mainly, her love for people will remain her legacy. Women's International Center takes great pride in presenting the 1998 Living Legacy Award to a woman who has left her musical and personal legacy to thousands of Christians for over 50 years. . .
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