Master Chief Petty Officer Ginger Lee SimpsonUnited States Navy, Retired
During her Navy career, Master Chief Simpson's assignments concentrated in the area of career development, education and training. She served in five states and nine foreign countries, at sea, and at a naval shipyard. Her leadership accomplishments include: Director, U.S. Navy Senior Enlisted Academy, Command Master Chief of a large shore activity, Command Career Counselor at sea, Recruiting and Recruit Company Commander duty. She acted as an advisor to top military officials on women's issues, related policy and the implementation of women in combat roles. Highlights of her numerous Naval assignments include: U.S. Navy Representative to the Partnerships for Peace Program, U.S. Navy representative to the Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services (DACOWITS); Chief of Naval Operations' Study Group on the equality of African Americans and Hispanics, Member of the Standing Committee on Military and Civilian Women in the Department of the Navy. Master Chief Simpson is the recipient of the Joy Bright Hancock Award for Inspirational Leadership. She is an Honor Graduate of the U.S. Navy Senior Enlisted Academy, was named the City of Memphis Business Woman of the Year. Her military Awards include: Legion of Merit, Meritorious Service Medal, Navy Commendation Medal (3 gold stars); and, Navy Achievement Medal (2 gold stars) Master Chief Simpson continues in her commitment to the women of the armed. Appointed by the Secretary of Defense, as a member of DACOWITS, she currently serves as the Chair of the Equity Management Sub-Committee. She also recently served on the Federal Advisory Committee on Gender Integrated Training and related Issues. Women's International Center proudly acknowledges the exceptional works of Master Chief Simpson representing all outstanding enlisted women of the United States Navy with the 1998 Living Legacy Patriot Award.
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