Dora Bakoyiannis
Dora was born in Athens, the daughter of a Prime Minister and President of Nea Demokratia Party. To this point, her life was spent living with and learning of the needs of the people of Greece. With the overthrow of the government in 1968, Dora and her family were forced out of Greece. Six years later, the military regime was ousted, and they returned. She grew up to marry Pavlos Bakoyannis, another member of Parliament. When Dora's husband was assassinated by terrorists in 1989, her political involvement turned from passive to active. She turned this devastating loss into a tribute to her husband by being overwhelmingly elected to take over her husband's position in Parliament. She carried on what he had begun, and did so with the strength and spirit displayed in only the greatest leaders. Dora Bakoyiannis has overcome personal tragedy, extreme danger to herself and her family, and the traditional role of women in Greek society to achieve great strides, not only for her country, but for people throughout the world. The policies and changes she has initiated have affected and will continue to affect the lives of people throughout the world. A tremendous example of positive political power, Dora Bakoyiannis is truly an International Leader.
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