Agnes Yarnall

Evocatrix Extraordinary
Sculptor, painter, poet and artistic historian, Agnes Yarnall has, since the age of six been breathing life into her art.
Renowned as a sculptor, whose commissioned portrayals of contemporary celebrities are prized. She has sculpted Judith Anderson, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Carl Sandburg and Sir John Gielgud, among scores of famous people.
Miss Yarnall's elaborate and varied sculpted works include her groupings of "Clowns", "Animals" and "The Civil War" - all which have received international acclaim from the most discriminating critics.
As a fashioner of verse, writing epic and lyric odes, sonnets and ballads, Agnes Yarnall is recognized as a fine and versatile poet. She is author of "Pandora and Other Poems", "Hesperidies and Other Poems", "An Attemped Evocation of the Civil War", "Circus World", "Poems of Sentiment and Recollections" and "Indian Summer."
She was commissioned to do a life size statue of Benjamin Franklin for the Franklin Institute Laboratories. Her husband, Dr. Laurence LePage was the President of the Franklin Institute.
Today, Agnes Yarnall is still receiving commissions from throughout the world.
Some books by Agnes Yarnall
Indian Summer (Contemporary Poets of Dorrance Series)
by Agnes Yarnall
published 1986
Hesperides, and other poems (Contemporary poets of Dorrance series)
by Agnes Yarnall
published 1977
by Agnes Yarnall
published 1988
Strike in Heaven and Other Prose Sketches
by Agnes Yarnall
published 1988
Poems of Sentiment and Recollection
by Agnes Yarnall
published 1983
An attempted evocation of the Civil War: Sculpture and poetry
by Agnes Yarnall
published 1980
Circus World
by Agnes Yarnall
published 1982
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