Ann Armstrong DaileyA Lifeline to Hope
Mrs. Dailey initiated CHI because she had suffered the pain of facing the death of a family member without support. In her desire to help save others from some of the overwhelming grief, she has created a lifeline for hundreds of families and their children. In 1977, there were virtually no hospices which would accept children. Ann Dailey committed to changing that inequity. CHI is a support network, a clearinghouse, providing information on research programs, support groups and education and training programs for the care of terminally ill children. It offers publications on home care and pain management to families whose children are dying. CHI provides bereavement support to help the family back into life after the child has died. Ann Dailey and CHI have been instrumental in helping health care professionals provide better understanding and care of terminally ill children. And the support goes on and on. Ann Dailey, working side by side with her all volunteer staff at CHI has awakened the world to the crying need for more hospice care for children and their families. It all began with a dream to help others, today, Ann Dailey and Children's Hospice International are positively affecting the lives of thousands. Ann Armstrong Dailey and Children's Hospice International are lovingly giving their hands, minds and hearts to thousands who need good friends.
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