Jeanne JonesHeath and healthy cookbook innovator, writer, teacher, lecturer
Jeanne Jones is a prolific author, among her many talents. Jeanne has written thirty-two books beginning with the Calculating Cook published in 1972. Her upcoming book, Cooking From the Cupboard, will be published by Rodale in the fall of this year. Jeanne is also a regular contributor to many magazines, such as Cooking Light, Cooking Healthy, Prevention and San Diego Magazine. Jeanne is also a popular lecturer.With the publication of her first book came immediate demands for public speaking and media appearances. Jeanne tours the world, speaking to medical and lay persons alike, and on radio and television shows such as Today, CBS This Morning, Good Morning America and QVC. Growing recognition and continued success brought demands for consulting services from such diverse clients as the Pritikin Longevity Center and the Four Seasons Hotels. Other clients have included The Golden Door, Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, Canyon Ranch Health Resorts and Windstar Cruises. Another talent is that of designer. Her work in hotels and restaurants the world over has given Jeanne a real insight into the workings of an efficient kitchen. It is only natural that both commercial and residential kitchen design be the next area to benefit from her expertise. And as a syndicated columnist, Jeanne has her finger on the pulse of the world! Often called the Dear Abby of the food section, Jeanne's internationally syndicated column, Cook it Light, reaches millions of readers each week. The continuing meteoric climb in her readership, from about 1 million to nearly 30 million in just a few years, is perhaps the best indicator that Jeanne Jones' work continues to grow in popularity. Her latest professional endeavor takes her into the field of entertainment and film making. She is the executive producer of the new film, The Streetsweeper, starring Paul Michael, the husband of another award recipient, Marion Ross. We are delighted to present the 2003 Living Legacy Award to Jeanne Jones, a remarkable woman with extraordinary talents.
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