David Straus

As the premier inspiration behind the renovation of San Antonio’s River Walk / Paseo del Rio, David Straus’ accolades are many. For years, the areas around the River were run down to the point that even the US military had orders to not frequent the surroundings. David Straus went to the San Antonio Chamber of Commerce, presented his bold ideas, and over the course of many years, with many expert helpers, beautified the River and was the inspiration behind the renovations. Currently, the River Walk / Paseo del Rio is one of the greatest tourist attractions in Texas. He helped introduce bridges, walk ways, rest areas, museums, educational facilities, restaurants, boutiques, and brought in countless cypress trees to add shade and greenery. His dedication to San Antonio is boundless. Students from the University of San Antonio return year after year with fond memories. The Founder of the Women’s International Center, Gloria Lane, is one such student. What she also has in common with David Straus, is gratitude for service in our Armed Forces: Gloria was in the Air Force, David was in the Marine Corps.
David Straus cites his years in the military as some of the most formative and influential of his lifetime. He is a decorated captain and has vast business experience with the Straus Medina Ranch, Bank of San Antonio, Carquest, Strafco, and Straus-Frank Company. He is the Founder of the Paseo del Rio Association, was on the Historic Civic Center Task Force, and was a Director of the National Conference on Christians and Jews, San Antonio. A true Texas Cavalier!
The Women’s International Center honors David Straus with a Living Legacy Award for following his dream that led to a better San Antonio and to a better community.