Queen of England: AKA Elizibeth Regina
(E.R.), Virgin Queen, Gloriana, Good Queen, Bess
1. Chess board
2. Black Bishop - Papacy, Catholic Europe.
3. Apple - (Celtic Symbols) means death of the old year (reign) and beginning of new.
4. Chalice - Blood of Christ; bloodshed and unrest during the reign of Henry VIII. Also a female symbol.
5. Dagger - Muse of Tragedy (Melpomene); protection for E.R. in her later years.
6. Spider web and jewel - Snares of the world; malice; political intrigue; purchase of favors (Jewel).
7. Stain glass windows -
a. Skull and crossbones - Pirates; drugs used extensively in courts of Europe.
b. Portcullis - (Iron gate) Beaufort decent of Henry VIII.
c. Tudor Rose -Lancaster Red rose united with White York rose -- Tudor Henry
VIII Rose.
8. Single rose - Secrecy.
9. Decapitated head - Ann Baleyn.
10. Frog - Gift broach from Francois Duke of Alencon to E.R. -- her "little frog."
11. Extended right arm - Banishing her enemies.