Legendary Mother of the Earth, she rose from the Primal Seed and was the giver of all life,
responsible for the renewal of life, the seasons, all that occurred in nature. Every culture refers to
the earth as female, a womb, the Great Mother.
1. The Primal seed - Birth, the origin of all life, symbolic as the embryo of life in the womb.
2. The Earth Mother - The mistress of all the elements.
3. Navel - All seeing eye of the world center.
4. Umbilical cord - Binds man to the web past, present, future life.
5. Two tree roots joining - The union of heaven an earth.
6. Soil - Mother Earth.
7. Clouds - Fertility, rain.
8. Serpent - Renewal of life though shedding of skin.
9. Crescent moon - Goddess symbol always.
10. Sun - Represents early Goddess.
11. Concentric circles - Great Mother symbol.
12. Day and night - The Great Mother avoiding chaos.