(Ruth and Naomi; Esther; Magdalene and Mary)
Ruth and Naomi -The often-quoted verses in the Bible, spoken by Ruth to her mother-in-law,
Naomi, ". . . for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will
lodge; and thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God. . . ."
Preservation of the old.
Esther - Esther preserved the past and saved the future when she acknowledged her heritage as a Jewess and asked her husband, King Ahasuerus, to rescind his order to annihilate the entire Hebrew nation.
Magdalene & Mary - The prostitute and the mother of Jesus, wife of Joseph. Their strength gave us the New Testament.
1. Stalks of wheat - Gold and riches.
2. Violets - Symbol of faithfulness.
3. Covered heads - Hebraic cultural custom.
4. Golden columns - (of King Solomon's Temple): Because of Esther, prosperity was returned to the Jews.
5. Pomegranate - Hebraic symbol of regeneration and fertility.
6. Grapes - Cultivated by the Hebrews.
7. Spears - Esther's courage.
8. Myrrh - (On Magdalene's head): Holy oil for tabernacle and temples; embalming.
9. Rose with thorns - Antithesis of joy and sorrow, pain and pleasure.
10. Esther - The name means star-associated with Astarte. She became queen in 478 BC and saved the Jews from massacre in 473 BC.