Eldest daughter of Lord Byron, known as the first computer programmer. Her name, Ada,
is today used in Military Computer language. She developed a system of punch cards to solve
mathematical equations using the Jacquard card system (1801) of looms used to weave fabric patterns.
She worked with Charles Babbage, developer of the computer at Cambride.
1. Three Fates spinning - Loom to computer cards.
(Lackesis, Clotho, and Atropos from Hesoid).
2. Web - Life, time, fate, cosmic plan, sun's rays.
3. Abacus - System of math used even today.
4. Loom - Jacquard's card system.
5. Spinning wheel - Aura, gifts of Three Fates.
6.Computer (1834) - System of gears, cams, knobs, and shafts into which a punched card was inserted.
7.Designs on bodice and band of dress - 1984 computer chip design elements.